Friday, 31 January 2014

Ingesting Images

On Court, Hasselblad 503CX, Carl Zeiss Planar T* f/2.8 80mm, Kodak T-Max 400
I've added a Plustek Opticfilm 120 to my photographic arsenal. At last I should be able to scan my 6x6 Hasselblad negs with a similar quality I've been used to with my 35mm negatives and Nikon Coolscan.

The Opticfilm 120 is a slow, unwieldy beast. It is paired with the obscurantist scanning software suite called SilverFast. It's German, completely over-engineered and as far away from Dieter Rams as Campbell Newman is from sane and rational. Silverfast successfully adheres to the one immutable law of scanning software user interfaces that it look like it was produced no later than 1998.

I'm not quite sure how to drive it yet, nonetheless I've been able to pull out high-resolution and detailed scans with little effort.

Defence Road, Hasselblad 503CX, Carl Zeiss Planar T* f/2.8 80mm, Fujifilm PRO400H
More to follow...

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